Tidy Laundary

How To Get Stains Out Of Clothes

Stains seem to come out of nowhere, ruining your favorite fabric. Though whatever the cause is, it never fails to draw a frown on your face, making you ask yourself, “How do I remove stains from clothes?” To answer that question, we’ve assembled a guide on the removal of stains from clothes that’ll help you remove any stains!

How To Remove Ink Stains

Ink from ballpoint pens and felt-tip pens are different, so the stain treatment varies accordingly.

For ballpoint pens, treat the stain with alcohol and let it settle for some time. Then rinse the area with water for 10 minutes and wipe the excess ink away with a towel. Apply a stain pretreatment like OxiClean and launder it normally with water.

For ink from a felt-tip pen, the process requires extra effort. Rinse the stain with cold water, then dip it in hot water in a tub for a couple of hours, adding heavy-duty detergent. Rub the stain, then wash it normally.

How To Remove Blood Stains

Blood stains are much easier to remove if you start working on them while they’re fresh. Grab a 3% hydrogen peroxide from your nearby drugstore and add some drops to the stain. Rub it so that the excess stain comes off and rinse it with more hydrogen peroxide. Toss it into your laundry machine with detergent, and just like magic, the stain will poof! Its way out.

How To Remove Coffee Stains

How to get coffee stains out of white clothes? Well, this tip will work for any fabric. A coffee stain can be removed by pouring hot water or soaking the cloth for 15-18 minutes. Mix vinegar and water and add it to the stain. Afterward, you need to rinse the vinegar away; the stain will be gone, and so will your frustration.

How To Remove Grease Stains

Rubbing your hands on your clothes after having snacks is the main cause of grease stains on your clothes. How to get these yellow stains out of white clothes? In order to do that, scatter some cornstarch on the stain. Once a few minutes have passed, brush the cornstarch off and wash it as usual.

How To Remove Mud Stains

Mud stains are the easiest stains to remove. Grab a brush and a liquid detergent or laundry soap. Rinse the affected area using water, apply soap on it, and rub it thoroughly using the brush.

How To Remove Red Wine Stains

Removal of stains from clothes can be a challenging task if the stain is made from wine. Rubbing it will spread it even more. Firstly, scatter baking soda on the stain and let it absorb the wine. After that, add salt and keep it for some minutes. Boil some water and pour it on the stain, then leave the rest of the work to your trusted washing machine.

How To Remove Oil Stains

Removing oil stains is very easy. All you need to do is rub some liquid detergent on the stain properly and use water to wash the stain away. Wash the clothes in the washing machine to completely clean them.

How To Remove Grass Stains

Rinse the grass stain with water, avoiding rubbing at all costs. Add some dish soap and warm water to make a solution, dip the stained cloth in the solution, and let it soak for 15-30 minutes. Continue to blot the stain, rinse it with cold water, and repeat if needed. Launder as usual.

Washing your clothes and dealing with stubborn stains can be very tiring, but all you need to do is follow some simple steps, and by reading our guide, you can tackle such stains on an everyday basis.